They grow so fast

      I DID IT!!! I survived My son's first "NOT" a date. I had worried about this day for a long time but I think the way we went about it made it easy for myself and her mom to handle it better. She and I got to sit and chat while keeping our eyes on them. Vinny who is 14 met and started chatting via facebook with Cindy and just recently they started talking on the phone. 

It's funny that they ended up being interested in each other. Her mother and I have known each other for quite a while and have basically watched each others children grow up via social sites (Myspace then Facebook). We had mentioned a couple times that we should get the kids together but never went through it because something always seemed to come up either on my side or hers. Anyhoo!! Today was the day, they had planned to meet at the park but due to possible rain Vinny decided he wanted to invite her to Putt Putt and Ice cream so that their day would not end up being canceled . I must say it was so cute seeing how nervous they really were to finally be standing face to face. The poor things hardly got anytime alone thanks to his two and her one siblings doing what they do best, Annoying the crap out of them.

 It's funny how dating has changed since I was that age. Back when I was 14 dating was not allowed in our house. Heck I didn't go on my first date till I was 17. Not only that when I mentioned the word date you would have thought I had dropped a bomb the way both Vinny and Cindy looked at me. They said it was NOT a date. but we moms who know our kids better know that's what it was. They are hoping to go to the park tomorrow and I know My 3 can't wait. I know my opinion doesn't matter on this but I really like this girl and think she is a great fit for my boy since they have so much in common. Plus it helps that I know her family already and know that they are just as strict as I am. As soon as we got home he ran to the phone to call her and they talked till bed time :). we'll see what tomorrow brings and the saga continues. 



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